Does Diet Soda Break A Fast?

Fasting is one of the fastest ways to reduce body weight and detoxify the body. But sometimes people intake a substitute drink instead of water when they feel thirsty or dehydrated. The question arises, “Does Drinking Diet Soda Break A Fast”? If ‘Yes,’ then what to drink? But if it is not,’ then is it healthy to consume a diet soda? Many co-related questions can arise during a debate. Let’s understand, what professional dietitians & doctors have to say on this. 

Medical practitioners suggest that having a zero-calorie diet soda while fasting will not break a fast. Some calories are needed to energize the human body while fasting, but many diet sodas have no such calories. Thus, a person stays calories-free even after consuming a unit of diet soda. But precautions are necessary to avoid breaking the fast. 

Does Drinking Diet Soda Break A Fast

No! The fast doesn’t break from the consumption of a diet soda. But even a small amount of sugary element can increase the insulin level in the human body, and provide temporary energy. One should always consult a doctor before fasting with friendly drinks. And if, you have any medical conditions such as; diabetes, liver problems, or digestive issues. You are not recommended to consume sofa with artificial sugar elements. 

Ingredients In Diet Soda

People often consume energy drinks while fasting to keep themselves hydrated and energetic. But having different types of soda drinks will not serve the same purpose & can have reverse effects too. We can list out various ingredients in diet soda referred from different sources. Different types of diet sodas contain a combination of these ingredients. Let’s discuss all these inclusions; 

  • Acesulfame Potassium

Acesulfame Potassium is a type of calorie-free sweetener used in diet soda that doesn’t increase blood sugar levels after consumption. 

  • Aspartame

It is an artificial sweetener used in different diet sodas to add some sweetness to the drink. It has been used as an ingredient since the 1980s.

  • Caffeine 

Caffeine is a type of drug used in beverages to stimulate the nervous system & brain. It gives little energy to the brain to stay active a little more. 

  • Caramel Color

Caramel color is made by processing the sugar elements only. It is added as an ingredient in the soda to simulate the texture of cocoa into it. 

  • Carbonated Water 

Carbonated water is made by processing the carbon dioxide under pressure. It is used in the soda to create a bubble & fizz effect in the drink. 

  • Citric Acid 

Citric acid is used in diet soda to balance the texture of artificial sweeteners in the drink and provide a different, enjoyable taste than just a sweet drink. 

  • Flavours

Different flavors are used in the drink to meet different taste desires of consumers. 

  • Phosphoric Acid

It is added to the drink as a preservative to balance the texture of artificial sweeteners and give a tangy flavor. 

  • Sodium Benzoate 

Sodium Benzoate is used in the soda as a preservative to protect the drink from bacteria & mold. It also adds an acidity flavor. 

  • Stevia

Stevia is a natural sweetener with zero calories. It is used in the soda to add sweetener in the drink without adding calories. 

Does Diet Soda Contain Calories?

The majority of diet soda drinks don’t contain calories. Soda is made with sweeteners with zero calories. Having Coke Zero while fasting can be a good substitute. For example, If someone consumes 12 ounces of Diet Coke, it contains 0 grams of Calories, 0 grams of Carbohydrates, 0 grams of Fat, and 0 grams of sugar. However, in some drinks, artificial sweetener is used that may cause type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, weaker bones, and hormonal stimulation if consumed regularly. 

Impact Of Artificial Sweeteners On Fasting

  • Artificial Sweeteners Can Break Fast

Artificial sweeteners are zero-calorie sugar elements, and it doesn’t have any major impact on the fasting schedule. However, having it regularly, or a large quantity of it can trigger the insulin level in the blood. You should consume no sugar-carbonated drinks while fasting. It is recommended that one should consume soda within a limit, and if you have any medical conditions, consulting a doctor would be a sensible decision before starting to use it. 

  • Natural Sweeteners Have No Effect On Fasting 

Natural sweeteners like ‘Stevia’ are made with natural ingredients. It contains zero calories and has no or less effect on the person consuming it. The use of no aspartame soda is recommended for the regular fasting schedule. However, precautions must be taken into consideration. A small amount of calorie trigger can reverse the benefits of fasting.

  • Impact Of Zero Calories Sweeteners 

Zero-calorie sweeteners can also harm the user in the long run if consumed regularly in large quantities. It can increase the craving for food, or it can enhance the insulin level in the blood. Thus, one should limit the consumption of diet soda while fasting.

  • Mood Swings & Hormonal Changes 

One can face issues like frequent mood swings and hormonal changes after the regular consumption of diet soda. The excessive consumption of anything is harmful. You can feel low sometimes, or sometimes high on energy. Thus, when you figure out some similar symptoms, stop the consumption of it and focus on fasting to maintain calories. 

  • Use of Diet Soda Can Turn Into Addiction 

Sometimes, the regular intake of diet soda can turn into an addiction for some individuals. People who work out in the gym or outdoors with friends often consume diet soda or different types of beverages. After some time, it becomes a habit. However, intermittent fasting diet soda consumption can be a good option to control it.


If you are following a strict fasting schedule, you should avoid having any diet soda. But occasionally, you can consume it to retreat your cravings. If you are following a Keto Diet while fasting then you can opt for keto diet diet soda with no added sugar.  Stay Healthy & Keep Fasting!

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